The City of Durham Trust

City of Durham Trust

Membership Application Form

Please fill out the form below (by typing in the boxes and clicking the buttons ).

To The Honorary Secretary
City of Durham Trust
c/o BHP Law,
Aire House,
Mandale Business Park,
Durham DH1 1TH

Full Name(s) including Title(s):
Postal address
(including postcode):
Telephone Number:
Email address:

I/We wish to become a member of the City of Durham Trust and I/We enclose cash / cheque payable to The City of Durham Trust Limited R/C 502132 / standing order form (delete as required).

Gift Aid: I pay income tax and, unless I cease to do so and notify the Trust, I would like the tax on my subscriptions and any donations to be reclaimed by the Trust. (delete if not applicable)


Date: 12 February 2025

The membership type that applies to me is:

Ordinary: £15.00
Joint (couple): £17.00
Senior (over 60): £10.00
Joint Senior:(both over 60) £12.00
Student: £10.00
Dependent solely on State Benefit: £10.00
Life: £200.00

Now use the print button on your browser to print this page off, then sign it and post it off to the honorary secretary at the above address.

Nearly all members now use standing orders as this method is economical and convenient both for the subscriber and for the Trust. If you would like to make out a standing order, click the left hand button below for a pro-forma. (The first payment would be due now, and then on 1st January in subsequent years) If you prefer not to make out a standing order, click the right hand button.

Do you want a standing order form?   

[Click here] to return to our home page.

Page created and maintained by Roger Cornwell Last updated on 10 April 2017