To The Honorary Secretary City of Durham Trust c/o BHP Law, Aire House, Mandale Business Park, Durham DH1 1TH
I/We wish to become a member of the City of Durham Trust and I/We enclose cash / cheque payable to The City of Durham Trust Limited R/C 502132 / standing order form (delete as required).
Gift Aid: I pay income tax and, unless I cease to do so and notify the Trust, I would like the tax on my subscriptions and any donations to be reclaimed by the Trust. (delete if not applicable)
The membership type that applies to me is:
Nearly all members now use standing orders as this method is economical and convenient both for the subscriber and for the Trust. If you would like to make out a standing order, click the left hand button below for a pro-forma. (The first payment would be due now, and then on 1st January in subsequent years) If you prefer not to make out a standing order, click the right hand button.
Do you want a standing order form?