
A constant theme running through the Trust's activities in recent years has been opposition to the promotion of Durham as a place for alcohol-led entertainment. Trustees are not prohibitionists and most are not teetotal. But there needs to be a balance between the normal life of residents and the desire for others to enjoy a good night out, facilitated by a growing number of licensed premises.
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This page is an index to a number of news items and submissions that have been made by the Trust.

Out of balance
The increase in licensed drinking premises in the city centre continues apace
How many licences?
The Trust opposed further liquour licences for Walkergate.
Magistrates block pub
in Back Silver Street
Letter to the Times
about the Licensing White paper
Synopsis of response to White Paper
Full text of response to White Paper

Links: [Our home page]
Page maintained by Roger Cornwell and last updated on 20 February 2001