This page lists selected items from the archives which have appeared before on these pages.

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From Bulletin 44

Burn Hall wins 1998
Architectural Commendation

A townscape disaster ...
was the Trustees' opinion of the Land of the Prince Bishops scheme.

Out of Balance
The increase in licensed drinking premises in the city centre continues apace ...

From Bulletin 46

Waddington Street Centre wins 1999 Architectural Commendation

How many licences?
The Trust opposed further liquour licences for Walkergate.

Concerns from the planning register
A round-up of proposals which the Trust commented on in 1999

Durham Broadcast
Books about Durham City published in 1999

From R.F.A.C. to C.A.B.E.
The Royal Fine Art Commission is no more, and its place has been taken by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment

From Bulletin 49

Sir Ove Arap and Durham
The Trust plans to erect a bronze near Kingsgate Bridge

George Bull 1904 - 2001)
An obituary of our senior Trustee, who died in June.

Beautiful Durham Competition 2001
This year the City of Durham Trust award was made for the first time.

Other stories

Walkergate overview

Magistrates block pub
in Back Silver Street

The Trust, founded in 1942, is a non-profit-distributing company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, No. 377108
Registered as a charity, No. 502132.
Registered Office: 11, Market Place, Durham DH1 3NE